Operating Income
There are a few methods built into the system to fund ongoing project maintenance, developer fees, marketing, and new additions to the project.
System Wallet
The System Wallet is the top of the NFT referral structure.
NFTs that join without a referrer have the System Wallet as their referrer. NFTs that join the BioPunks also have the System Wallet as their referrer. This means that taxes on deposits and compounds on these NFTs go to the System Wallet.
Unlike other NFTs in the system, the System Wallet does not earn 1% daily additional OOZE tokens on top of its balance.
Instead, funds in the System Wallet are locked, and pay out a fixed percentage of their total value each day. This percentage will start at 1% and can be adjusted as needed based on the growth of the project and budgetary needs.
The OOZE tokens paid out are sent to an automated token splitter, which will split them between the Operating Budget wallet (our multi-sig), and individual developer wallets. See the token splitter section at bottom.
Locked Slime Liquidity Dividends
As mentioned in the Slime Basics section, half of the 10% tax on buys and sells of SLIME is used to purchase locked liquidity, and the other half is used to fund a dividend pool that rewards all SLIME holders with 2% of its value a day.
The locked liquidity that will slowly build up over time will also participate in these SLIME rewards, and will send claimed USDC to the token splitter.
Initial liquidity does not participate in these dividends.
Initial Developer Token Allocation
As mentioned in Initial Token Allocation section, the developers receive between them 4% of the initial OOZE token allocation.
Each developer's token allocation will be used at launch to mint for each of them 8 auto-ooze NFTs split between the 4 auto-ooze strategies excluding 'Freeloader'.
Token Splitter
All tokens send to the token splitter will be split in the following way:
80% to the Operating Budget wallet.
20% split equally between the 4 developers.
Last updated