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Purchasing OOZE

At this time, you can only purchase OOZE with USDC from the Ooze Finance website in the Manhole. Anyone posting a different contract address to interact with, or to purchase on a different exchange, is posting a scam contract and it should be ignored.

Purchasing OOZE through the Ooze Finance website has no tax. Selling OOZE through the Ooze Finance website has a 10% tax. At time of launch, 3% of this tax will go towards marketing and startup costs for the project, including advertising, paying for audits and KYC, and paying contractors. The other 7% of this tax goes to the contract balance, used to pay out the daily ROI in the Sewer. After launch at a time we deem appropriate, we will remove the 3% marketing tax, and all 10% of the buying and selling tax will go to the contract balance.

Once you have purchased OOZE, in order to earn your daily ROI on it, you will need to enter the Sewer.

Last updated